Wednesday, July 18, 2007

DY undRst& dis msg?

It's called "Texting" or "IMing" or "Lingo" or more formally "SMS Language" and it refers to the sometimes complex language of abbreviations and acronyms that teenagers and others use to communicate via cell phone Text Messages and online Instant Messages.

Here are some examples:

lol = laughing out loud
RUOK? = Are you OK?
dis = this
asslp = asleep
whr = where
xlnt = excellent
A/S/L? = age, sex, location
gr8 = great

This is the language of chatrooms, cell phones, instant messaging and digitally connected teenagers everywhere. It's function is to minimize the number of key strokes and punctuation needed communicate a message. It's officially called Short Message Service or SMS Language.
Wikipedia also has a pretty good list of these abbreviations:

There's even some online translators that can help you communicate in this language. Try one of these translators:



TxT Speak Translator:

So what does the title of this technology tip mean?

DY undRst& dis msg?
Do you understand this message?

av a nce dy!

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